Fall Lawn Care Tips
We hope you are enjoying the beautiful weather we’ve been having this summer! Although the hot and dry weather has been great for enjoying the summer with family and friends, this has been a tough season on a lot of lawns. Hot and dry weather can be extremely harmful to lawns in our environment, not to mention the cold and wet spring we had! Now that the weather is showing more rain in the forecast and September is just around the corner; this is a great time of year to repair any damage to your lawn from the summer. Tyler’s Lawn Care has included our tips for Fall Lawn Care in Halifax & Bedford.
Lawn Mowing & Watering
As fall approaches, continue to water and mow your lawn as needed throughout the fall. As the season ends, you should drop the mowers blade to 2 1/2in for the last 2 mowings of the season. This will allow more sunlight to reach the crown of the grass, and will leave minimal leaf to turn brown during the winter. Remember, as you lower the blade, do not trim off more than one-third of the grass blades at a time. If necessary, gradually lower the blade height until the final 2 mowings.
Weed Control
Now that the temperatures will gradually decrease over the next month, if weeds like dandelions have taken over your lawn, now is the time to fight back! Just like all plants in the fall, weeds are in energy absorbing mode and will drink everything including weed killers. It is recommended you have a professional apply this for you.
Many lawn experts agree on the fact that fall fertilizing is the most important application of the season. Why? Grass leaves grow slowly in the fall; however, the grass root system continues to grow quickly. A fall application delivers essential nutrients for the grass to grow deep roots and hold a reserve of nutrients for a healthy start next spring.
Fall is our favourite time of year to aerate. Aeration improves water, oxygen, and nutrient availability to your grass’ roots. You can rent a gas-powered, walk-behind aerator for about $80/day, but remember you must also get it to and from the rental store. Generally, it is cheaper, and more convenient to hire a lawn care company.
Fall is also a great time to repair any bare, bald spots, or chinch bug damage on your lawn. The best way to do this; loosen the soil in the desired area (garden rake is best), spread a thick layer of soil/compost mixture, then spread the seed, lightly rake in the seed into the soil, and water. If your whole lawn isn’t as thick as you would like then “slit seeding” may be your answer. Slit seeding is a process that involves using gas-powered machine that cuts thin furrows into your lawn and drops the seed. Once the soil is watered, the weight of the water pulls the seed into the furrows creating optimal results. This process should be completed by your lawn care expert. Regardless of your repair choice it is imperative that you continue to water the new seed every other day for 2-3 weeks following a repair to ensure the soil is always moist.
In conclusion, this time of year usually means winter is just around the corner but we still have lots of time to enjoy the weather and spend time with family. Although this time of year the grass isn’t growing as much as the spring, it is one of the best times of year to do any Lawn repairs and maintenance. With the help of these tips and your local lawn care company, you can prolong the enjoyment of your lawn into the fall and make sure it’s prepared to come back more beautiful than ever next spring!
Our personal lawn care professionals love your lawn just as much as you do! Therefore, we have created this guide to help you prepare your lawn for the winter. Whenever you need help with mowing, fertilizing, weed control, over seeding, or aerating, you can book any of our services by simply filling out our contact form HERE.